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Spell Changes

  • Caster Level” on Thain is modified by certain prestige classes.

Pale Master: Adds +1/2 level to arcane spells

Shifter: Adds +1/2 level to druidic spells

Magister: Adds +1 level to all spells

  • The visual effects of most spells (e.g., stoneskin, barkskin) last only a few seconds. This is both to reduce clientside graphics lag, and for better in-game visuals.
  • Resting is restricted and limited to 3 rests per 4 in game hours. The timer starts with the first rest. Any unused rests are lost at the end of the 4 hour period and you are refreshed with the base 3 available rests. An hour in game corresponds to 10 minutes real time.
  • Spell modifier items
    There are various items (rings and amulets) in the game that will fundamentally modify spells.
  • Elemental Rings
    When equipped, spells of that element will be empowered for damage of that specific element
    Note: You can only have 1 of these in your possession at a given time, if you try to pick up another, it will be destroyed. Other elemental spells will be set to half damage.
  • Healing Spells
    The “Cure” line of spells is auto-maximized on Thain, including from potions. Healing effects on Thain take place over multiple rounds, with an initial burst of healing on round one and then smaller additional healing in subsequent rounds. At level 1, 75% of the total healing from a spell or item is instant. At level 20, 25% of the healing is instant. Favored Souls may use their Aura of the Divine ability to make all healing take place instantly while the ability is active.
  • Healing Amulet
    This item turns cure light wounds, cure moderate wounds, cure serious wounds, cure critical wounds into AoE spells. 

1st-Level Spells

Duration increased to 10 min per level (same as camouflage)

Mage Armor
Gain 2 + 1/6 CL to armor AC (max +5)

Protection from Alignment
Grants +4 to Will saves, immunity to Charm and Dominate

Shelgarn’s persistent blade
Now lasts 1h per level (instead of turns) and gives enchantment (rather than attack) bonus based on half the casting stat mod (INT/CHA)

True Strike
Changed from 9 seconds to 13 seconds

Turn Undead
Evil clerics can control rather than turn undead.

2nd-Level Spells

Deafening Clang

Lasts turns/level instead of rounds/level. (Stacks with GMW unlike Flame Weapon? Looking to confirm).

Flame Weapon

Cannot be cast on a weapon already enchanted with Magic Weapon or Greater Magic Weapon. Cannot be cast on most summons. Damage reduced to a maximum of 1d6+5.


1 Hour/level as of 4/17/11


The spell disables all locks of d20+caster level or below, in a 30 meter radius around you (up to DC 40). It always opens up to DC 30 when used from an item.

Melf’s Acid Arrow

Now reduces the target’s AC by up to 20% (1% per CL) while active
Sonic burst

Changed to (CL/2)d8, max 5d8 (up from 1d8)

3rd-Level Spells

Blade Thirst

This spell has been altered to allow it to work on a par with Greater Magic Weapon (restricted to slashing weapons), furthermore, this variant can now be used upon ranged weapons (allowing the equivalent attack bonus, not enhancement) and a damage bonus added to the corresponding ammo.


Duration increased to 10 min per level (same as camouflage). Listen/Spot bonus = 10 + 1 per 2 CL


Only works on unenchanted weapons (per Bioware description), but also works on whips with no other properties than disarm.

Find Traps

Finds traps, does not untrap them.

Greater Magic Weapon

Cannot be cast on a weapon already enchanted with Flame Weapon or Darkfire. Now works on ranged weapons plus adds DMG bonus to ammo.
Keen Edge

Now works for all weapons, not just slashing.
Remove Curse

Now unequips cursed items
Scintillating Sphere

Increase range of Scintillating Sphere to Long

4th-Level Spells

Changed to add (CL)d6, max 10d6, half on will save (up from 0)

Healing Circle
Changed to (CL/4)d8 + CL (up from 1d8+ CL)

Holy Sword
Changed to 5 rounds per 1 CL (up from 1 round per 1 CL)

Improved Invisibility

Grants 25% concealment instead of 50%

Phantasmal killer
In additional to the deal effect if all saves are failed, phantasmal killer does 10d6 damage instead of 3d6 damage (if pass fort save) + -2 to saves and AB if you pass your initial will save. Thus, it will always do something.

Polymorph Self:
Unlimited Duration
– Polymorph Self and Shapechange applies DR of 0/+weapon bonus to allow bypassing target DR
Polymorph Self Alternate forms:

Giant Spider -> Bear
Troll-> Grey Render
Umber Hulk-> Gorgon (Petrify breath)
Fey-> Adumbral Crawler (Web)
Zombie-> Fen hound

Damage reduction changed to 10/+5; 8/12/15

Wall of Fire
Changed damage to 2d6 + (CL/3)d6, max 8d6


5th-Level Spells

Lasts 24 in-game hours
Ball Lightning
Changed to operate like the Firebrand spell but cannot be targeted to the ground.                                                       
Mestil’s Acid Sheath
Damage capped to 20 + 1d6.
Mind Fog
Will save removed, penalty reduced to -5, lasts 1 turn/level.




6th-Level Spells

Bigby’s Forceful Hand
Now requires a Fortitude save instead of a Grapple check
Greater Dispelling
When cast as an AoE, now has a 50% chance to automatically remove Greater Sanctuary
Greater Sanctuary
Cannot control NPC allies while spell is active. Invulnerable while in Ethereal plane but acquiring objects drops the spell. Lasts only 5 rounds.
Greater Stoneskin
+4/10 Damage Reduction
Limited to 150 hp/damage per cast.
Mordenkainen’s Sword
Summons a sword construct rather than a Helmed Horror. The sword has a high AB but only one attack per round, immune to slashing/piercing/bludgeoning damage (per SRD spell Mage’s Sword). Greater hitpoints if the caster has Spell Focus: Transmutation.

Tenser’s Transformation
No polymorph; increases caster’s STR, AB, attacks per round, sets them to 100% spell failure while active.
Ability bonuses now affected by Empower/Maximize Spell

Gain BAB equal to fighter.
Gain d4 bonus hp for each caster level.
Gain + caster level / 2 in AB bonus.
Gain +5 to FORT save.
Gain +4 to Natural AC
Gain 2d4 to STR and DEX

True Seeing
Lasts only 1 round/level, has a short delay on activation so stealthers may be able to escape.

7th-Level Spells

Bigby’s Grasping Hand
Now requires a fortitude save instead of a grapple check.                                                        
Great Thunderclap
Stun and Knockdown duration increased to 10 seconds





8th-Level Spells

Aura of Vitality
Duration doubled, now 2 rounds/level.
Changed to +5 bonus, +1d6 negative, and 1T per CL (up from 1r per CL)
Damage changed to max 15d8 instead of 10d8
Nature’s Balance
Heals 4d8+1/caster level per round for 5 rounds. Reduces enemy physical stats by -2 on a failed will save.
Damage reduction lowered to +5/15

9th-Level Spells

Bigby’s Crushing Hand
Now requires a fortitude Save instead of a Grapple check.
Changed to 20d6 maximum damage.
Elemental Swarm
Now summons all four elementals at once.
Energy Drain
Deals (caster level) * d6 negative damage, half on will save.  Heals the caster for the damage dealt.
Adds new types of planar summons to the Gate spell.  These are accessible with /planarice, /planarair, /planaracid, and /planarshadow
Greater Spell Mantle
Changed to 1d12 + CL (max 20) up from 1d12+10
Meteor Swarm
No longer has a minimum range. Knocks down targets for 1 round on a failed save.
Mordenkainen’s Disjunction
When cast as an AoE, now has a 100% chance to remove Greater Sanctuary and prevent re-entering the ethereal for 10 rounds
Power Word, Kill
As normal NWN but also does a flat 100 magical damage when creature is above the 100 hitpoint threshold.
Added alternatives shapes selected by the “/shapes” chat command or via the emote wand: Gold Dragon (alt of Red Dragon) and Celestial Avenger (alt of Balor).
Polymorph Self and Shapechange applies DR of 0/+weapon bonus to allow bypassing target DR
Time Stop
This spell has been modified so that it does not stop the whole server when used. The duration has been lengthened and targets are invulnerable for the duration to match PnP rules. Also a VFX is placed at the caster’s location to help gauge the duration; it fades 3 seconds before the spell
In additional to the deal effect if all saves are failed, weird does 10d6 damage instead of 3d6 damage (if pass fort save) + -2 to saves and AB if you pass your initial will save. Thus, it will always do something.

Summoning Spells

These have been slightly detuned from their NWN default so as not to give casters such powerful tanks.

However, the duration for most summons is now 24 game-hours so you have lots of time to create RP with your summons. There are also alternate shapes available by using the /summons chat toggle or via the emote wand. A (conjuration school) summon will be created with higher hitpoints if the summoner has the feats Spell Focus: Conjuration and higher still with Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration.

With the undead spell chain, you can select this option by typing /undead and have spell focus: Necromancy feat. Those feats will also boost the hit points similar to the conjuration feats above.