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Titan Stars

At creation, players may choose a titan star under which they are born.  The Titans are ancient figures said to have shaped Thain within its early eras.  Though few directly worship the titans now, they remain a part of Thain through the constellations, identified by particular stars in the sky.

Titan stars provide benefits when touching a bind stone.  The benefits persist for 24 hours after touching the stone.

  • Agnar, the titan of the flame and craftsman king, grants +3 Craft Weapon and +3 Taunt
  • Kotos, the titan of the sands and master of shapes, grants +3 Bluff and +3 Craft Trap
  • Ismeine, the titan of frost and the warrior queen, grants +3 Intimidate and +3 Concentration
  • Leima, the titan of the woods and the grower of all things, grants +3 Lore and +3 Heal
  • Nautikos, the titan of the seas and the explorer of the world’s deepest places, grants +3 Appraise and +3 Search
  • Adikiam, the Fallen King, father of the titans, grants +3 craft Armor and +3 Discipline.
  • Alikka, the Dawnstar, who bore the curse of light, grants +3 Spellcraft and +3 Persuade
  • The malevolent Rift Star, which brought the titans to their end, grants no bonuses.

New Skill – Herbalism

A character who takes herbalism has spent time learning to gather the local herbs and plants. She has knowledge of herbs, and a keen understanding of how to find and apply them.

This skill increases your chance of harvesting the local herbs of Thain. An Herbalism check is rolled when harvesting an herb found within the environment. Herbs can be found throughout the island with a variety of effects.

For a common herb, the check is made against a DC 12.
For an uncommon herb, the check is made against a DC 22.
For a rare herb, the check is made against a DC 32.

Social Skills

Social skills (Bluff, Intimidate, Persuade) are now class skills for all classes.  Any class may invest into social skills freely.  These are used occasionally in module conversations, but primarily useful for roleplaying purposes.

Feat Changes


In order to make dual-wielding more mechanically appealing, characters who dual-wield while they possess at least one two-weapon fighting feat gain an automatic +2 bonus to AC and AB.


Spell Focus Alterations

Spell Focus: Necromancy

  • Spell Focus Necromancy will allow a character to use the “/undead” and gain access to the undead summons. 
  • This feat also grants undead summons+25% Health. +50% health if Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy is taken.

Spell Focus: Conjuration

  • This feat also grants standard summons+25% Health. +50% health if Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration is taken.

Spell Focus: Transmutation

  • This feat also grants construct summons+25% Health. +50% health if Greater Spell Focus: Transmutation is taken.