Thain Rules
The Golden Rule of Thain: is the Rule of Respect – Respect for yourself, for your fellow players, for DMs, and for the setting itself.
Graphic, Violent, or Sexual Content: Thain is a PG-13 server – we ask that players refrain from openly communicated sexual or graphic acts that would not be found in a typical PG-13 film or young adult novel. This does not mean themes cannot be dark, but exceptionally violent scenes, as with all conflict resolution, should be the result of cooperative communication and a healthy understanding of what your fellow players are comfortable with.
Staying in Character: We ask that players remain in character while playing Thain, out of consideration for other people’s role play and immersion. On Thain the main element of In-Character role play we focus on is maintaining the voice and realistic actions of an authentic person: It is making appropriate choices as if a character were a real person faced with those choices and not someone who knows that they are playing a video game in which they are a hero. This is especially important when surrounded with your fellow players- if you are alone in an area, we still ask that you treat the world as your character would, but there is no reason to walk, dialogue with every NPC, etc. aside from your own personal immersion.
Setting: Out of consideration for the immersion of other players, we do ask that players respect the low-fantasy setting we are providing. Role Play of Wish Spells, inter-dimensional portal travel, spelljammers, space travel, demi-god / celestial origin, pop-culture references and other exceptionally high-fantasy character elements are prohibited without DM permission.
Names: We ask that players confine their names to original ideas: no Gandalf, Etzio, Jaime Lannister. No pun names, joke names, or pop-culture references. Names (and character RP) should be clearly respectful of whatever racial background and history they are trying to portray – the staff reserve the right to make on-case judgments about this and these determinations are unappealable.
Conflict and PVP: For more rules regarding conflict resolution, PVP, and pick pocketing, please see the section regarding them, however it is worth outlining that all conflict resolution RP should be conducted with the primary goal of making the best story for all assembled characters. PVP and Pickpocket without warning is prohibited, a player must at least be given an opportunity to react to conflict and leave a scene with clear in-communication that this is the expectation.
More detailed rules on muling, romance roleplay, and more can all be found in the full Thain Rules Document.