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Player Events: Props and Placeables


Props and placeables are both useful tools for helping to make your event come alive.




Props can be found using the [/props] command. Purchase a prop changer and a prop, and use the activated ability on the changer to set how your prop looks. There are quite a few appearances for each type of prop, so you’ll have to cycle through them, but there’s probably something that will work for whatever kind of item you want. You can use a naming quill from the [/craft] menu to change the name and description of the prop as well.

Extra tip: Props are enchantable too! If you have one of the crafting feats (craft wand, brew potion, scribe scroll), you can cast a spell into a prop to create a one-use item! The prop will automatically charge you experience and gold when you do this, but it works in the same way that enchanting a spell gem does. This can be useful to create rewards for players (giving them a consumable as a token of having participated in the event), as well as to create traps in the event (include an OOC note in the prop description to activate the spell when the prop is touched, for example).


Placeables can be found from the [/placeables] menu. Most placeables will not have their names and descriptions show up to other PCs, but some, like the combat dummy or chest, will. 

When you purchase a placeable, you can use the commands [/itemname ###] and [/itemdesc ###], where ### is the item’s new name and description. You can thus name and describe your placeables as you see fit. 

To remove a placeable, use the [/destroyplaceable] (or [/dp]) command. This will remove the closest placeable to your current character. You will need to use this command multiple times if you have multiple placeables.

Extra tip: Placeables will be destroyed by any hostile NPCs that come within a certain radius of them. If you are using them in a cave with monsters (or in a city where the guards are hostile to you), be careful that they are far enough away from any patrols or they will disappear! Also keep in mind that if NPCs turn hostile during the event (ie: guards attacking a shifter in the party, etc.) your placeables may well be destroyed. Exceptions to this rule are for non-blocking placeables (the light shafts, mist, bloodstains, tracks, summoning circle, etc.).

/nextplaceable commands allow you to specify the scale, hover height, and rotation of the next placeable you put down.
[/nextplaceable scale|50] will set the next placeable you put down to 50% size (limits are 20-300%.)
[/nextplaceable hover|100] will hover the next placeable a meter off the ground.
[/nextplaceable rotatex|180] will rotate the next placeable around the x axis by 180 degrees. rotatey and rotatez work too.
[/nextplaceable vfx|###] will give the placeable a persistent vfx. Check out the full VFX list pinned in the adeptus-mechanicus channel on the Thain discord.

/nextplaceable commands will persist until you type [/clearplaceable] (or [/cp])