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DM Events
In addition to player-run events, Thain is filled with DM-driven events. Like any other server, these vary with the DM. Some wevents will be focused on a single character or group, others will be large world-shaping events involving many PCs and DMs.
Our team of DMs actively helps to tell the world’s story and shape the culture of Thain. You can often find open DM events scheduled using the Discord scheduling feature. Unlike other servers, players don’t need to wait for a DM to be around in order to tell a compelling story – we encourage you to take the tools you’re given into your own hands.
Some specific etiquette for attending DM events:
- In open events, we’d encourage players to find reasons to be there, particularly if the event might not be a natural fit for them. If the event is about defending Feywood but your character is Kreisian, is there a good IC reason a Kreisian might come to the defense of the mysterious and foreign Feywood elves? Should your evil PC be attending events focused on saving the world from darkness? Perhaps there is a reason for these things, but think about it. We’d encourage players to use good judgment in which events they attend, as no one character can reasonably be everywhere, and the wrong character can be disruptive. Not attending a specific event can be the right choice if your character does not seem like a good fit.
- If you run across a DM event (or a player event) in-progress, it is considered good form to ask the event-runner before joining in. Events on Thain are sometimes carefully planned and timed, and a character coming into the story in the middle can be disruptive even with the best intentions.
- Remember that DM events on Thain are merely another kind of story. DMs are players like you, logging on through a different client. They have more privileges to do things like speak for module NPCs or alter certain aspects of the world, but everyone is here to tell stories and have fun just as you are. DMs on Thain are not service employees, and they are not obligated to play their events in any particular way that you might like. If you are dissatisfied with the events DMs or running or the stories they are telling, Thain provides the tools to run stories of your own that are more to your taste.
- If you have questions about an open event, feel free to ask the DM beforehand.