Mundane Crafting
- The base-game crafting menu is available for simple item crafting. All aesthetics crafting (armor appearance modifications) have been made free, and do not require gold or crafting ranks. We believe players should be able to customize their appearance as they wish.
- The chat commands /savearmorslot and /loadarmorslot can be used to save and restore armor sets. These do not affect stats, but can be used to save specific armor appearances. An armor appearance can only be loaded if the armor has the same base AC value as the armor that was saved.
- The /craft menu provides certain basic armor and weapon types. Availability of items in the /craft menu is determined by your ranks in the Craft Armor, Weapon, and Trap skills.
Consumable Crafting
- Consumable crafting of scrolls, potions, and wands works similar to the base game. However, Crafted magical items on Thain cast spells at the level of their creator.
- In addition to scrolls, potions, and wands, there are enchantable gems on Thain. These can be used by anyone, regardless of class or UMD skill. They can be created by a caster with any of the item creation feats: Scribe Scroll, Brew Potion or Craft Wand. The highest quality of these gems can hold spells up to the ninth circle, which is their advantage over potions. Aside from the obviously-named “Attuned Gems,” the curious researcher investigating the properties of other gems may find there is more to them than the common person would expect.
Magical Item Creation
In addition to other forms of crafting, a custom system exists to allow the creation of permanent magical items. This allows those who have invested in craft skills to customize items and create them for others.
The crafting system spreadsheet found here contains a recipe list. For more information on crafting, you can click here to view the forum post.
Craft Trap allows you to craft: Amulets, Boots, Belts, Bracers, Gloves, and Rings
Craft Armor allows you to craft: Armor, Cloaks, Helms, and Shields
Craft Weapon allows you to craft: Weapons
Adding custom enchantments:
1) Item limitations:
When crafting, an item is only allowed to have up to 4 properties. This does not include racial, class, alignment restrictions, custom PrC feats, or light properties.
An item can only have 1 type of elemental damage.
You must be within close range of an anvil to use the above crafting commands.
If you wish to apply a bounty reward to an item, do so after the item has all the other properties you wish to have on it, or the bounty reward will count against your number of properties.
2)If your item has been bought from a merchant or found from the loot table, it is limited both to 4 properties and a gold value. This value is equivalent to the item type’s (+4 base enchantment value)*1.25 if a weapon, or *1.5 if armor.
Ranges to be added in shortly. One can get a rough feel from the sell/buy for prices.
3) If your item has been obtained through any of the /craft commands, or Mining and Smelting system, there is no gold value limitation, only the 4 property limit.
4) To enchant or upgrade an item, a crafter will typically need three components: 1) the item to enchant, 2) a crafting token of a specific level (in game: Stone of Enchantment), and 3) a spell gem (or scroll) of the appropriate spell required for the enchantment. There is also a gold cost required for the addition of enchantments. Recipes can be found in the excel spreadsheet below. These items are all then placed into an interactive anvil. Upon closing the anvil, a roll will be made against the DC to craft the item. Success will result in the completed item within the anvil. Don’t forget to grab it!
The DC of the check is based upon the number of properties on the item and the strength of the enchantments.
The crafter’s modified roll takes into account appropriate crafting feats, skills, Intelligence modifier, and a capped (up to +7) bonus from items.
Rolling a natural 1 will result in autmotic failure and loss of crafting components (not your item to be enchanted). Successful roles over a particular value of the DC will allow crafters to “gain back” crafting materials in the form of gold.
Recipe Exceptions Not in Spreadsheet:
-Physical damage bonus types can now be specified by the crafter as opposed to the native damage type of the weapon. PC crafters must add an extra component to the recipes to gain the following:
Piercing damage -> Caltrops
Bludgeoning Damage -> Add-on Weights
Slashing damage -> Specialist’s Whetstone
-Do not place a stack of scrolls into the crafting anvil when enchanting. It will consume the entire scroll
-Some processes may render crafted items non-craftable. I am still tracking these down and taking care of them as they come up. If anyone notices something off, please shoot me a PM.
-If you wish to upgrade a specific property of a weapon to make it better than what is currently on it (eg. +2 to +3), it must be done before hitting the item property limit.
-Any exploits found and taken advantage of to create weapons more powerful than the system originally intended will be resolved by the discretion of the DMs.
Crafting Tutorials
Here are a pair of tutorial videos for the crafting system, including how to make metals like Mithral and Adamantine, as well as how to use the anvil system to enchant items.