What is Roleplay?
Put simply, roleplay (or RP), is the practice of taking a character and attempting to put yourself in their place, acting, speaking, and believing as they do. When combined with others, roleplay becomes almost like an improvisational routine, with each character showing their actions, emotions, and so on through the Neverwinter Nights engine.
On Thain, it is expected that players be actively RPing anytime you are logged in (this is referred to as being “in-character”). Players who wish to experience a server where they can discuss real-life events, make topical jokes, or fill their adventures with movie quotes will not find Thain to their liking. While there are mechanics for speaking out of character (also known as OOC), we ask that you use them sparingly and primarily for communication or clarification, rather than to carry on conversations better held in Discord or on the forums.
Common Abbreviations
As you play on the server or participate in the Discord or Forums, you may come across some abbreviations you are unfamiliar with. This is meant to be a list of some of the more common ones, though it is by no means comprehensive:
General abbreviations:
AFAIK/IIRC- As far as I know/If I remember correctly: Two expressions to indicate that you are mostly, but not completely, sure of something.
AFK- Away from keyboard: Used when someone needs to take a quick break.
FOIG- Find out in game: An expression used when information would be a spoiler to some puzzle or plot.
IC/ICly- In-character: Speaking and acting as your character would in the world.
OOC- Out of Character: Speaking and acting as yourself- typically not done ingame.
NWN- Neverwinter Nights: The game we’re playing!
RP- Roleplay: Playing a character, including their flaws, talents, and beliefs.
Mechanical Abbreviations:
AB- Attack Bonus: Attack bonus from your class(es) plus equipment
AoE- Area of Effect: How large an area a spell covers
AC- Armor Class: How hard you are to hit
APR- Attacks Per Round: How many times your character attacks in one round (six seconds)
ASF- Arcane Spell Failure: A % chance that your arcane spells will fizzle.
BAB- Base attack Bonus: Attack bonus just from your class selections
CL- Caster Level: For spells, the level the character/item casts at
DC- Difficulty Class: How hard an action is to perform.
EB- Enhancement Bonus
EB/ElBla- Eldritch Blast: Warlock’s signature attack.
(E)XP- Experience Points- You’ll need these to level up!
HIPS- Hide in Plain Sight: The ability most commonly associated with shadowdancers
HP- Hit points: Don’t run out of these!
ILMS/IGMS- Isaac’s Lesser Missle Storm/Isaac’s Greater Missile Storm: Two spells it is good to fear.
KD/IKD- Knockdown/Improved Knockdown
NPC- Non-player Character
PC- Player Character
PvE(M)- Player versus Environment(Monster): When your character takes on enemies created by the module or DMs
PvP- Player versus Player: When two player characters fight
SR- Spell Resistance: Like AC, but for spells
TS- True Seeing
TWF/ITWF- Two-weapon Fighting/Improved Two-weapon Fighting
Final note:
Many classes, abilities, and alignments are abbreviated by shortening the name- for example Shadowdancer = SD, Blackguard = BG, Fortitude = Fort, Chaotic Evil= CE, and so on. As with any of these, if you have questions, feel free to ask!